Hair Loss in Women at or over fifty

Hair loss in women is often a topic of taboo that we'd rather not think about, but the truth is there are a growing number of women experiencing hair loss in Australia and worldwide. While also common in those under the age of 50, when women reach menopause many start experiencing hair loss where hair is wanted and hair growth where it is not! Whatever your feelings about menopause, the hair loss that can come with it is a problem that can negatively affects a woman's self-esteem, confidence and emotional well-being.

Before exploring the role of menopause and aging for hair loss in women, let's have a quick look at alopecia. There are two types of alopecia and although it can begin any time after puberty; as we see with many of our clients here at Transitions, alopecia is also a common form of hair loss in women over the age of 50.

Two Types of Hair Loss in Women:

The most common type of hair loss in women is female pattern thinning hair, also known as Androgenetic alopecia. This constitutes over 85% of all hair loss in women. It has been linked to an inherited sensitivity to the male sex hormone, androgen. Unlike the type of baldness that develops in men, women may experience diffuse hair thinning over their entire scalp instead. In its early phases, laser hair therapy can be a good treatment option. Our most popular solution is our Topette crown extensions as they create thicker, fuller hair instantly.

Alopecia areata affects close to half a million Australians and is often first sited as a small, round patch of baldness on the scalp. Alopecia areata is considered an autoimmune disease as the body's immune system attacks its own follicles; other factors such as pregnancy, stress, illness or a person's genetic makeup can also contribute to the alopecia onset. The progression of alopecia areata is unpredictable, and hair may grow back only to fall out again. Many of our clients with substantial areas of hair loss have found our gripper wigs, made with beautiful European hair to be a fantastic solution.

Menopause and Hair Loss:

The onset of menopause causes a decrease in the production of oestrogen. This results in a shorter hair growth cycle, finer hair, and eventually hair loss in women. Other factors related to hair loss are high levels of stress, illness, hormonal imbalances, harsh hair products, and genetic disposition. Changes in lifestyle such as switching to a healthier diet, getting plenty of B vitamins, enjoying a cup of green tea, losing weight, and trying shampoo that contains hyaluronic acid are all adjustments that may help promote hair growth as well as being good habits for general well-being.

Blood-sugar levels, thyroid tests, and an evaluation for rheumatoid disease may be suggested by your doctor to rule out other possible causes for any hair loss. As for managing the unwanted hair loss, transitions are here to help find the right hair loss solution for you.

Menopause is a time in all women's lives where many things are changing. However, make a change for the better – don't just accept the hand that life has dealt you; at Transitions, we believe life isn't about waiting for the right circumstances, but rather creating our own. We have helped thousands of women experience the benefits of having great hair again through our hair restoration and hair replacement techniques. Don't wait any longer – call us now for a free, confidential consultation on 1300 427 778.

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