Touching Story about Hereditary Alopecia

Hi Everyone,

I came across this touching article the this morning about hereditary alopecia, it was so nice I thought I should share it with you.

It speaks first about the painful experience Louise's hair loss, 27 years old at the time of writing, due to the hair and skin condition Alopecia. Lousie describes what it was like to have to buy her first wigs, meeting her soul mate and having enough courage to share with Him about her hair loss condition and his subsequent emotional support. However, that is not where the story ends. She is blessed with a beautiful baby, Nikkita. In a relatively short time also experienced Alopecia and lost all of her hair at the age of 18months. Of course this was devastating for Louise! She was mourning the loss of hair, a second time, but this time for her daughter.

Nikkita is now eight years old, and Louise shares Nikkita's story of bravery and zeal for living in spite of her alopecia. It is our experience that young children can be remarkably strong and resilient through these tough experiences and often cope better than adults. There could be a variety of factors for this, but that is for another blog.

Unfortunately, the story of Louise and Nikkita is not uncommon. We have several cases in our practice where either the son or daughter of our client, who has alopecia, also experiences alopecia. Statistics say about 25% of people with Alopecia have a family history of it.

We are dedicated to helping people with Alopecia through offering the latest treatments and hair enhancements or wigs, so they can look themselves again and feel confident.

To read the full article click here.

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