There is hope for those suffering from Trichotillomania!


A new treatment approach for Trichotillomania has been disclosed by Psychotherapy and Psychosomatics. The study shows that both the online self-help intervention ‘decoupling’ and progressive muscle relaxation (PMR) could be effective in reducing hair pulling symptoms.

Trichotillomania is a compulsive conditions which results in sufferers pulling out their hair, though this may not necessarily always mean the scalp. The severity of hair pulling varies from case to case but may result in noticeable bald patches.

Decoupling is a recent method which has presented to reduce excess hair pulling (and nail biting). This is done by breaking down and rearranging elements of the old behaviour. The idea is to unlearn the misbehaviour and replace it with a new (harmless behaviour).

Progressive muscle relaxation (PMR) is a tension reducing technique that involves the systematic tensing and relaxing of certain muscle groups. It is effective in identifying hidden tension throughout the body.

Researches have found significant and comparable reductions in symptoms of rich in both forms of intervention. Although the researchers concluded that further studies were required, this is finally some good news for those suffering from Trichotillomania.

Trichotillomania can be an isolating experience, and one that you should not have to endure alone. This condition can severely affect confidence and self esteem effecting a person’s quality of life. If you would like to restore your hair, and gain back your confidence, please give us a call on 1300 427 778 or, alternatively come in for a free consultation with one of our hair loss experts.

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